data chirot; * From Fox, Applied Regression Analysis. ; * Chirot and Ragin's Data on the 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion ; * Source of Data: D. Chirot and C. Ragin (1975),; * "The market, tradition and peasant rebellion: the case of Romania," ; * American Sociological Review (40), 428-444, Table 1. ; input county rebel agric trad market inequal ; * county = "County number" ; * rebel = "Intensity of rebellion" ; * agric = "Commercialization of agriculture" ; * trad = "Traditionalism" ; * market = "Market Forces" ; * inequal = "Inequality of Land Tenure" ; cards; 1 -1.39 13.8 86.2 6.2 0.60 2 0.65 20.4 86.7 2.9 0.72 3 1.89 27.6 79.3 16.9 0.66 4 -0.15 18.6 90.1 3.4 0.74 5 -0.86 17.2 84.5 9.0 0.70 6 0.11 21.5 81.5 5.2 0.60 7 -0.51 11.6 82.6 5.1 0.52 8 -0.86 20.4 82.4 6.3 0.64 9 -0.24 19.5 87.5 4.8 0.68 10 -0.77 8.9 85.6 9.5 0.58 11 -0.24 25.8 82.2 10.9 0.68 12 -1.57 24.1 83.5 8.4 0.74 13 -0.51 22.0 88.3 6.2 0.70 14 -1.57 24.2 84.9 6.1 0.62 15 -0.51 30.6 76.1 1.3 0.76 16 -1.13 33.9 85.5 5.8 0.70 17 -1.22 28.6 84.2 2.9 0.58 18 -1.22 36.5 78.1 4.3 0.72 19 -0.86 40.9 84.4 2.3 0.64 20 -1.39 6.8 76.3 3.6 0.58 21 2.81 41.9 89.7 6.6 0.66 22 -1.04 25.4 83.2 2.5 0.68 23 1.57 30.5 80.2 4.1 0.76 24 4.32 48.2 91.0 4.2 0.70 25 3.79 46.0 90.5 3.7 0.68 26 3.79 45.1 85.5 5.1 0.64 27 -1.75 12.5 83.8 7.2 0.50 28 0.82 39.3 85.6 4.9 0.60 29 2.59 47.7 87.6 5.2 0.58 30 -0.86 15.2 87.3 10.8 0.42 31 -1.84 11.7 82.3 81.7 0.42 32 -1.84 25.6 80.1 68.4 0.26 ; run;