data bfox; * From Fox, Applied Regression Analysis.; * Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation Data ; * Source: p. 449 in B. Fox (1980), Women's Domestic Labour ; * and their Involvement in Wage Work. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. ; input year womwork fertil mwage fwage debt parttime ; * year = "Year" ; * womwork = "Percent of adult women in the workforce" ; * fertil = "Fertility Rate, expected births for 1000 women at current fertility rates" ; * mwage = "Men's avg weekly wages, in 1935 dollars & adjusted for current tax rates" ; * fwage = "Women's avg weekly wages, in 1935 dollars & adjusted for current tax rates" ; * debt = "Per-capita consumer debt, in constant dollars" ; * parttime = "Percent of the active workforce working 34 hours per week or less." ; cards; 1946 25.3 3748 25.35 14.05 18.18 10.28 1947 24.4 3996 26.14 14.61 28.33 9.28 1948 24.2 3725 25.11 14.23 30.55 9.51 1949 24.2 3750 25.45 14.61 35.81 8.87 1950 23.7 3669 26.79 15.26 38.39 8.54 1951 24.2 3682 26.33 14.58 26.52 8.84 1952 24.1 3845 27.89 15.66 45.65 8.6 1953 23.8 3905 29.15 16.3 52.99 5.49 1954 23.6 4047 29.52 16.57 54.84 6.67 1955 24.3 4043 32.05 17.99 65.53 6.25 1956 25.1 4092 32.98 18.33 72.56 6.32 1957 26.2 4168 32.25 17.64 69.49 7.3 1958 26.6 4073 32.52 18.16 71.71 8.65 1959 26.9 4100 33.95 18.58 78.89 8.8 1960 27.9 4119 34.63 18.95 84.99 9.39 1961 29.1 4159 35.14 18.78 87.71 10.23 1962 29.9 4134 34.49 18.74 95.31 10.77 1963 29.8 4017 35.99 19.71 104.4 10.84 1964 30.9 3886 36.68 20.06 116.8 11.7 1965 32.1 3467 37.96 20.94 130.99 12.33 1966 33.2 3150 38.68 21.2 135.25 12.18 1967 34.5 2879 39.65 21.95 142.93 13.67 1968 35.1 2681 41.2 22.68 155.47 13.82 1969 36.1 2563 42.44 23.75 165.04 14.91 1970 36.9 2571 42.02 25.63 164.53 15.52 1971 37 2503 45.32 26.79 169.63 15.47 1972 37.9 2302 45.61 27.51 190.62 15.85 1973 40.1 2931 45.59 27.35 209.6 15.4 1974 40.6 1875 48.06 29.64 216.66 16.23 1975 42.2 1866 46.12 29.33 224.34 16.71 run; proc means data=bfox; run;