proc format ; value STAGET /* tumor size */ 0 = 'small' 1 = 'large' ; value STAGEN /* stage of nodes */ 0 = 'early' 1 = 'late' ; value HIST /* histology */ 1 = 'squamous cells' 2 = 'other types of cells' ; value TREAT /* treatment */ 0 = 'saline (control)' 1 = 'BCG (experiment)' ; value PERFBL /* perfomance status at baseline */ 0 = 'good' 1 = 'poor' ; value POINF /* post-operative infection */ 0 = 'no' 1 = 'yes' ; value SMOKFU /* smoking status at follow-up */ 1 = 'smokers' 2 = 'ex-smokers' 3 = 'never smokers' ; value SMOKBL /* smoking status at baseline */ 1 = 'smokers' 2 = 'ex-smokers' 3 = 'never smokers' ; value DEATH /* status at end of observation time */ 0 = 'alive (censored)' 1 = 'dead' ; run; /* proc datasets ; modify surv; format STAGET STAGET.; format STAGEN STAGEN.; format HIST HIST.; format TREAT TREAT.; format PERFBL PERFBL.; format POINF POINF.; format SMOKFU SMOKFU.; format SMOKBL SMOKBL.; format DEATH DEATH.; run; quit; */